Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site

After the cars we headed over to tour the home where Teddy Roosevelt took his oath of office after President McKinley succumbed to the two shots he suffered at the hands of an anarchist when he was greeting visitors to the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo in 1901.  Roosevelt rushed to Buffalo where he stayed at a friends house and after McKinley died he was administered  the oath of office by a local judge.  

The house is maintained not by the Park Service but by a cadre of volunteers.  The visitor center which is in the actual home, concentrates on the happenings of the day with major focus on the Pan- American exhibition that  was held in Buffalo and the reason why McKinley was even there.  

Fact: only 6 presidents have not had taken the oath of office in DC.

Washington and Adams who were both Presidents before DC was the Capitol. Chester Arthur after Garfield was assassinated, Teddy Roosevelt after McKinley was Assassinated, Coolidge after Harding died in office while on a trip to San Francisco and LBJ after Kennedy was assassinated. 

Small little museum that tells the story of the Presidents abrupt ascendency to the presidency. 


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