Pierce-Arrow Museum, Buffalo, NY

On the suggestion of our neighbors Mark and Christine Bonn we decided to spend the morning in Buffalo checking out the Pierce-Arrow Museum. 

The company originally started out as a cycle manufacturer in downtown Buffalo.  It then morphed into an auto manufacturer of rather high end models. It folded in the mid 1930s but the cars are still revered as works of art.  This little museum has some great examples of both cycles, cars, memorabilia, signage and advertising. It also houses a replica of a gas station that Frank Lloyd Wright defined for Tydol gas. 

The cycles:

I especially liked the “trainer” developed  in 1886.  The precursor to the Peleton. 

The cars - which are not limited to only Pierce-Arrows:

The signage, advertising and memorabilia:

Checkout these books for girls. 

The Frank Lloyd Wright gas station mock-up straight out of the “Jetsons.”


They were the first company to make a bulletproof car. The second one made was for FDR. The first went to J. Edgar Hoover.   

They have a great assessment of hood ornaments.  I especially like this one which is very similar to the one recently featured in a commercial. 

The ornament comes alive and  starts to sing. Who know what the commercial is advertising?  

Great way to spend a morning if you are ever in Buffalo. 


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